Early Stopping
In machine learning, early stopping is a form of regularization used to avoid overfitting when training a learner with an iterative method, such as gradient descent.
XGBoost Python关于early stopping的非常清晰,API如下:
# code snippets from xgboost python-package training.pydef train(..., evals=(), early_stopping_rounds=None) """Train a booster with given parameters. Parameters ---------- early_stopping_rounds: int Activates early stopping. Validation error needs to decrease at least every round(s) to continue training. """
Sklearn的GBDT实现虽然可以添加early stopping,但是比较复杂。官方没有相应的文档和代码样例,必须看。实现的时候需要用户提供monitor回调函数,且要了解源码内部_fit_stages函数的locals,总之对新手很不友好:
#code snippets from sklearn.ensemble.gradient_boostingclass BaseGradientBoosting(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, BaseEnsemble, _LearntSelectorMixin)): """Abstract base class for Gradient Boosting. """ ... def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None, monitor=None): """Fit the gradient boosting model. Parameters ---------- monitor : callable, optional The monitor is called after each iteration with the current iteration, a reference to the estimator and the local variables of ``_fit_stages`` as keyword arguments ``callable(i, self, locals())``. If the callable returns ``True`` the fitting procedure is stopped. The monitor can be used for various things such as computing held-out estimates, early stopping, model introspect, and snapshoting. """
The parameter νν can be regarded as controlling the leanring rate of the boosting procedure
#code snippets from sklearn.ensemble.gradient_boostingclass GradientBoostingClassifier(BaseGradientBoosting, ClassifierMixin): """Gradient Boosting for classification.""" def __init__(self, ..., learning_rate=0.1, n_estimators=100, ...): """ Parameters ---------- learning_rate : float, optional (default=0.1) learning rate shrinks the contribution of each tree by `learning_rate`. There is a trade-off between learning_rate and n_estimators. n_estimators : int (default=100) The number of boosting stages to perform. Gradient boosting is fairly robust to over-fitting so a large number usually results in better performance """
Subsampling其实源于bootstrap averaging(bagging)思想,GBDT里的做法是在每一轮建树时,样本是从训练集合中无放回随机抽样的ηη部分,典型的ηη值是0.5。这样做既能对模型起正则作用,也能减少计算时间。
事实上,XGBoost和Sklearn的实现均借鉴了随机森林,除了有样本层次上的采样,也有特征采样。也就是说建树的时候只从随机选取的一些特征列寻找最优分裂。 下面是Sklearn里的相关参数设置的片段,
#code snippets from sklearn.ensemble.gradient_boostingclass GradientBoostingClassifier(BaseGradientBoosting, ClassifierMixin): """Gradient Boosting for classification.""" def __init__(self, ..., subsample=1.0, max_features=None,...): """ Parameters ---------- subsample : float, optional (default=1.0) The fraction of samples to be used for fitting the individual base learners. If smaller than 1.0 this results in Stochastic Gradient Boosting. `subsample` interacts with the parameter `n_estimators`. Choosing `subsample < 1.0` leads to a reduction of variance and an increase in bias. max_features : int, float, string or None, optional (default=None) The number of features to consider when looking for the best split: """
Regularized Learning Objective
Dropout是deep learning里很常用的正则化技巧,很自然的我们会想能不能把Dropout用到GBDT模型上呢?有篇文章DART: Dropouts meet Multiple Additive Regression Trees进行了一些尝试。
Trees added at later iterations tend to impact the prediction of only a few instances, and they make negligible contribution towards the prediction of all the remaining instances. We call this issue of subsequent trees affecting the prediction of only a small fraction of the training instances over-specialization.
DART divergesfrom MART at two places. First, when computing the gradient that the next tree will fit, only a random subset of the existing ensemble is considered. The second place at which DART diverges from MART is when adding the new tree to the ensemble where DART performs a normalization step.